The Archangelic Orders
GABRIEL, or in the ancient Egyptian language pronunciation, Kha-Vir-El, Ga or Ka denotes desire, sentiment, and expressed love. Bir or Vir indicates element. Gabriel's �light is sky-blue in many different shades, and he is the ruler of water and the liquids. Gabriel is the steward of the entire physical kingdom and gives us the body's various fluids.� Color - shades of brilliantly azureOur Archangels are logoic and Holy Spiritual Beings, who build, govern over and project themselves into the universes. Within Absolute Beingness are Orders of Archangels, Holy Monadic Beings, each Order containing myriad upon myriad of Beings of the same kind. We know of the existence of twelve Archangelic Orders: Thrones, Authorities, Dominions Principalities, Overlords, Seraphims and Cherabims together with other named and unnamed. They possess Total Wisdom, Love, Power and Absolute Self-awareness. Angels are elementals of Archangels.
No one has ever spoken in detail of the kind of vibrations of the Archangels who belong to the higher echelons of the Orders. Few have come close enough to these Orders to attune to them. Human language, in any case, proves inadequate to describe their splendor.
When a human being descends into the worlds of separation, an Archangel of the Thrones accompanies him as his Guardian Archangel. Even if we are unaware of his presence, our Guardian Archangel, with whom we are egofied, is always caring for us.