Archangel Gabriel

Information Pictures and Links regarding Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel has a remarkable position as one of the few cultural figures who plays an important role in more than one major religion. He is refered to in the Old Testament as appearing to Daniel. In Christian tradition he appears to the Virgin and to Zachariah. In Islamic tradition he is renowned for dictating the Holy Koran to the Prophet Mohammed.

The frequent references to Gabrial in literature and Art mean more than any other Gabriel defines most people's idea of what an angel is. In particular the potent image of Angel Gabriel announcing the impending birth of the Messiah to Mary has inspired generations of artists in the process creating one of the most iconic images of Western culture.

This blog collects together a collection of links and information about the references to Archagel Gabriel through the centuries.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

12th Century Georgian Mosaic

Georgian 12th Century Mosaic

found at:

Virgin and Child / Archangel Gabriel Mosaic


image of gabriel found at:

Interior of the church of Gelati, Kutaisi

Situated on a wooded hill 11 kilometers northeast of Kutaisi, the beautiful monastery and academy of Gelati was founded by King David the Builder in 1106. The academy, the original building of which is still standing, drew scholars from throughout eastern Europe and was a great center of neo-Platonist metaphysical philosophy between the 12th and 15th centuries. The Cathedral of the Virgin, completed in 1125 received additions in the 13th and 14th centuries. The interior of the church is filled with light coming from the large windows and many colorful frescos grace the walls. The pride of the church and one of Georgia's greatest works of art is an extraordinary mosaic composed of 2.5 million pieces of stone. Created in the 1130's, it features the Virgin and Child with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. Outside the church, to the southwest, is a sacred spring that is known to have been a pagan holy place before the arrival of Christianity. Gelati was ravaged by the Ottoman Turks in 1510 and further damaged by the Lezghians in 1579 but King Bagrat III subsequently restored the church and monastery. Russia annexed Georgia in 1801 and while Gelati lost all royal patronage from this time forward, pilgrims continued to visit the sacred place. In 1922 the Communists closed the monastery and pilgrimages were forbidden. The church was reconsecrated in 1988 and has again become a favorite place of pilgrimage for Georgian persons.

11th century church at pagan holy place, monastery of Gelati, Kutaisi