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found at: http://www.byzantinesacredart.com/gabriel-archangel.html
Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Icon, Byzantine Iconography

Hand-painted icon by Svetlana Novko©
Egg tempera, 23 Carat gold, natural pigments on woodboard W14 x H22" 350 x 560 mm
Archangel Gabriel in Scriptures and Holy Tradition, by St. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich
"The Holy Fathers think that Gabriel has pre-eminence in the first and greatest order of heavenly powers, that is, the Seraphic Order, since the Seraphims stand closest to God. He is, therefore, one of the seven Seraphims, closest to God. The names of the seven are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel. To this number some even add Jeremiel. Each one has their own particular service and all are equal in honor. Why did God not send Michael? Because Michael's service is to suppress the enemies of the Faith of God while Gabriel's is the mission of announcing the salvation of mankind."
Gabriel is the announcer of the Incarnation of the Son of God. He is one of the seven archangels who stand before the Throne of God. He appeared to Zacharias about the birth of the Forerunner. Gabriel said of himself: "I am Gabriel, who stands before God" (St. Luke 1:19). His name Gabriel means "Man - God." The Holy Fathers, in speaking about the Annunciation, interpret that an archangel with such a name was sent to signify who and what He would be like, who must be born of the All-Pure One. Therefore, He will be Man-God, mighty and powerful God. Some of the Fathers understood that this same Gabriel appeared to Joachim and Anna concerning the birth of the Virgin Mary and that Gabriel instructed Moses in the wilderness to write the Book of Genesis.
This great archangel of God is commemorated on March 26th. On this day his appearances and marvels through the whole history of the salvation of mankind are commemorated. It is reckoned that this observance was first instituted on the Holy Mountain in 982, during the patriarchate of Nicolas Chrysoverges (979-91), and was occasioned by the Archangel's appearing in a cell near Karyes, where, with his finger, he wrote the hymn to the Mother of God: "It is meet ... ". As a result of this occurrence, the cell was named, and is called to this day, "It is meet ..."
Linked with this, other appearances of the Archangel Gabriel are commemorated, such as his appearing to Moses when he was keeping Jethro's flocks, when he revealed to this great man, chosen by God, how the world was created and all the rest that Moses later wrote down in the Book of Genesis; his appearing to Daniel and the imparting of the mystery of the kingdoms to come and the coming of the Saviour; his appearing to St. Anna and the promise of a daughter, the most blessed and pure Virgin Mary; his very brief appearing to the holy Virgin while she was living in the Temple in Jerusalem; his appearing to Zacharias the high priest and the news of the birth of John the Forerunner, and the punishing of the same with dumbness because he did not believe the angel's words; his appearing once again to the holy Virgin in Nazareth, and the annunciation of the conception and birth of the Lord Jesus Christ; his appearing to righteous Joseph, to the shepherds near Bethlehem, to the Lord Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane when he strengthened the Lord, as man, before His Passion; his appearing to the myrrh-bearing women, and his other appearances. Ohrid Prologue
found at: http://www.byzantinesacredart.com/gabriel-archangel.html
The White Angel
(believed to be Gabriel)
found at: http://www.byzantinesacredart.com/white-angel.html
Orthodox Iconography consists of portable/panel icons, frescoes (wall paintings on fresh plaster) and Orthodox mosaics. Some of the greatest, priceless treasures of Byzantine Iconography are adorning the walls of Eastern Orthodox churches in the form of frescoes and mosaics. Among those, Serbian early and medieval fresco painting takes a prominent place.
Built of stone, thousand years old Serbian churches carry some of the most majestic iconographic masterpieces that have, by some art historians, surpassed later Italian Renaissance frescoes in beauty and skill with which they were executed.
White Angel, painted in 1230 at the Mileseva Monastery, Serbia.
Archangel (believed to be Gabriel) at the entrance of Christ's empty tomb, announcing His resurrection to the myrrh-bearing women.
Detail from the Resurrection fresco, Mileseva Monastery, Serbia
Famous Greek Icon Master Photios Kontoglou about Serbian frescoes
"... As far as technical execution is concerned, the wall paintings of Serbia disclose their creators as marvelous masters of the difficult art of wall painting, which in Italian is called fresco, because the artist paints on fresh plaster, put on at the time he is painting, when it is moist and thus retains the paint better. In such painting it is necessary that the painter have complete mastery of his work; he must be able to paint quickly, without hesitation and without making corrections, otherwise the plaster becomes dry, the wall does not absorb the paint, and it flakes off. Then it is necessary to scrape off the plaster, replaster the wall, and start painting again from the beginning.
Now in this work the iconographers of Serbia were great masters, so much so that those who have some conception of the art of fresco painting are astonished. They surpassed many of the Italians who, more than others, worked at frescoes .."
Byzantine Sacred Art
found at: white-angel.html
Other links to Milaseva:
Mileseva - The White Angel (detail)
Mileseva - The White Angel
Mileseva Monastery photo - Alan Grant photos at pbase.com
Found at: http://www.angelicartistry.com/gabriel.htm
I bring to mankind, from God, the Gift of Hope.
It is never too late to ask for Our Lord’s forgiveness and mercy.
Do not despair. Keep hope alive in your heart. Know that you are loved. |
And now I beseech you not to pray to me, for I am only a messenger of the Lord.
Pray only to God. Love God with all your heart and keep His commandments.
The Archangel Gabriel is called the Angel of the Annunciation because it was he who informed Mary that she had found favor with the Lord and that she would conceive in her womb the Son of God.
The lilies Gabriel carries symbolize the purity of Mary. The Archangel Gabriel also announced to Zacharias that he would have a son born to him who would be John the Baptist.
It was the Archangel Gabriel who inspired Joan of Arc to go to the aid of the King of France.
There is a tradition that Gabriel is the Angel of Birth. It is said that he carefully spends the nine months of the pregnancy watching over each unborn child and instructing that child on the necessary knowledge of Heaven that is an inherent part of all people. Just before birth, though, Gabriel touches each baby on the upper lip to make the child unable to remember all of the information about Heaven until the child returns to the spiritual state at death. The sign of Gabriel’s Touch is the cleft just below the nose.
The Archangel Gabriel
Gabriel is the Governor of Eden, the ruler of the Cherubim.
He is one of the two angels mentioned by name in the Old Testament, along with Michael.
Gabriel is the Angel of the Resurrection and the Angel of Mercy. He rules the first heaven, which is the heaven closest to humankind. Gabriel appeared to Daniel to explain his vision of the fight between the ram and the he-goat (the oracle of the Persians being overthrown by the Greeks). He appeared again to Daniel to tell him of the coming of a messiah. In Jewish legend, it was Gabriel who dealt death and destruction to the sinful cities of Sodom and Gommorah. According to the Talmud (Sanhedrin 95b) it was Gabriel who destroyed the armies of Sennacherib "with a sharpened scythe which had been ready since Creation."
In the Talmud it is also written that Gabriel prevented Queen Vashti from appearing naked before King Ahasuerus and his guests in order to bring about the election of Esther in her lace. Cabalists identify Gabriel as "the man clothed in linen". In Daniel 10-11, this man clothed in linen is helped by Michael. Gabriel is the preceptor angel of Joseph.
In more recent times, Gabriel is named as the angel
who visited Father George Rapp, leader of the 2nd Advent community in New Harmony, Indiana, and left a footprint on a limestone slab preserved in the yard of the Maclure-Owen residence in that city. The poet Longfellow, in his ‘The Golden Legend’, makes Gabriel the angel of the moon who brings man the gift of hope. | Found at: http://www.angelicartistry.com/gabriel.htm
O God, who from among all your angels chose the Archangel Gabriel
to announce the mystery of the Incarnation, mercifully grant that we
who solemnly remember him on earth may feel the benefit of his patronage in heaven, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Angels in Islam
found at: en.wikipedia.org
In Islam, angels are light-based creatures, created by Allah to serve and
worship him. They are technically incorporeal but can manifest themselves into a
form comprehendable by human eyes. Their existence has sometimes been described
as ethereal.
The four Archangels Muslims are required to acknowledge as part of surrender
to Islam are:
Jibra'il (Gabriel in English). Gabriel is the Archangel responsible
for revealing the Qu'ran to Muhammad sura by sura. He is mentioned specially in
the Qu'ran.
Azra'il (Azrael in English). Azrael is the Angel of Death whose
helpers are the ones (including himself) that are responsible for parting the
soul of the human with the body. The actual process of separating the soul from
the body depends on the history or record of good or bad deeds of the person. If
the human was a bad person in his life, the soul is ripped out very painfully.
But if the human was a righteous person, then the soul is separated like a 'drop
of water dripping from glass'.
Mika'il (Michael in English). Michael is the Archangel charged with
bringing down the thunder and lightning onto the Earth. He is also responsible
for the rewards doled out to good persons in this life. He is sometimes
partnered with Gabriel in some contexts (but not in the Qu'ran though).
Israfil (Raphael in English). Israfil is the Angel responsible for
blowing the horn and signalling the coming of Judgement Day.
The Qu'ran also mentions angels occupy the realms of the Seven Hells. A verse
"O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel
is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern and severe, who
flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do
(precisely) what they are commanded." [al-Tahreem 66:6]
The Qu'ran also mentions that angels (like in Christian and Catholoic belief)
have wings to which they fly. Another verse stipulates :
"Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth,
Who made the angel messengers with wings - two, or three, or four (pairs) and
adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things." [Faatir
The preceding sentence does not imply that all angels only have two to four
wings. Most notably, Archangels (namely Gabriel and Michael) are described as
having thousands of wings. Tradition also notes that certain angels, created
solely for the purpose of praising God, have 70 thousand heads, each with 70
thousand mouths that speak 70 thousand languages solely to sing praises for the
Almighty. This type of angel, whose type is nameless, was described as the type
of angel that accompanied Mohammed up to Heaven when he received commands from
God. Although specifically, Mohammed did not ride on the angel as some would
assume, but he rode a magnificent creature, called a Buroch whose stride
supposedly spanned from horizon to horizon.
Angels in Islam are also beautiful creatures, as another verse stipulates:
"He [the Prophet] has been taught by one Mighty in Power, Dhoo Mirrah (free
from any defect in body and mind), then he rose and became stable." [al-Najm
". . . When they [the women] saw him, they did extol him and (in their
amazement) cut their hands: they said: ‘Allah preserve us! No mortal is this!
This is none other than a noble angel!’" [Yoosuf 12:31]
Angels do not have any gender, God did not create them divided by gender
since they are asexual and do not reproduce. But however, in the Qu'ran and
Bible, Archangels are referred to as 'he' or 'he is'. This is due to the
languages use of nouns and designation of what is feminine or masculine. Such as
in English, a warship is usually a feminine noun, and thus referred to as 'her'
or 'she'. This is not to personify the object and apply anthropomorphistic
attributes, but merely as a designation of respect. This is the same case with
Angels, and their references in the Qu'ran. They are always referred to as 'he'
or 'him', mainly due to the fact that the word for angel in Arabic is a
masculine noun. It is convention, when you refer to an angel in any context, to
use masculine guises.
There are Verses in the Qu'ran that name Angels directly, Gabriel (Jibreel)
and Michael (Mikaa'eel) are mentioned early on the Qu'ran in the second sura:
"Say: Whoever is an enemy to Jibreel - for he brings down the (revelation) to
your heart by Allah’s will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance and
glad tidings to those who believe - Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and His angels
and prophets, to Jibreel and Mikaa’eel - Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who
reject Faith." [al-Baqarah 2:97-98]
found at: en.wikipedia.org
Olga's Gallery
Russian Icon. The Archamgel Gabriel. From Deesis Range. 14th
century. Pskov school. 104 x 63 cm. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The Intercession of the Blessed
When the sinful believers have suffered their
punishment in the Fire of Hell, the Almighty Lord will say to Gabriel: “O
Gabriel, what are the disobedient members of the Community of Muhammad doing in
Hell?” To this, Gabriel will reply: “O Lord, You are All-Knowing. You
know better than I the condition they are in.” The All-Glorious One will
say: “O Gabriel, go and inspect their condition.” The venerable Gabriel
will go and find Malik, the governor of Hell, sitting on a cushion in the middle
of the Fire. Malik will stand up out of respect for the blessed Gabriel, to whom
he will say: “O Gabriel, why have you come here?” To this question,
Gabriel will reply: “O Malik, I have been sent here to see what the
rebellious members of the Community of Muhammad are doing.” Then Malik will
say: “Do not ask about the condition of these people. They are in a very bad
state, their places are very narrow. The fire has burned and obliterated their
bodies. Only their faces and their hearts can be saved because of their
faith.” Gabriel will say: “O Malik, raise the curtain that covers them
and let me look at them myself. I have been instructed to do
Allah, save us from the Fire, and admit us to Paradise with the
-Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi, Irshad (Wisdom
of a Sufi Master)
The Guide informed Mustapha about the existence of higher beings
"There are a number of orders of Angels.
1. There are many good spirits & souls of good intent who are associated with individual human beings. By acting as guardian spirits they grow and evolve whilst in spirit form and contribute to the Good.
2. There are of course many negative and demonic spirits who also attach themselves to people and places.
3. The higher orders of Angels work on a broader plane, influencing the direction of human and ecological development on the earth and on other planets and spheres.
Therefore ‘Guardian Angel’ spirits and Angels should not be confused. The higher beings have much greater powers of cognition, omniscience and ability to influence events on earth, but also greater responsibilities.
They must maintain equilibrium in their own consciousness and their closeness to The Father. Glory to The Father. This is secret and profound knowledge.
The higher beings have the capability to maintain many hundreds of relationships simultaneously and to communicate simultaneously to many individuals at the same time and in different guises which allow best communication with that person.
It was this energy vibration which spoke to those teachers and prophets of ancient times as directed by The Father.
In modern times electronics and stock markets are the medium of prophecy and there will be new prophets of the internet age."
found at: www.christthesaviour.orgfound at: www.christthesaviour.org
found at: http://www.christthesaviour.org
Orthodox Christian Church Of Christ The Saviour

The Archangel Michael
The Holy Archangel Michael and all the Bodiless Powers of Heaven (November 8)
The angels of God have been commemorated by men from the earliest times, but this commemoration often degenerates into the divinization of angels (IV Kings 23:5; A.V. II Kings). Heretics always wove fantasies round the angels. Some of them saw the angels as gods and others, if they did not so regard them, took them to be the creators of the whole visible world. The local Council in Laodicea, that was held in the fourth century, rejected in its 35th Canon the worship of angels as gods, and established the proper veneration of them. In the time of Pope Sylvester of Rome and the Alexandrian Patriarch Alexander, in the fourth century, this Feast of the Archangel Michael and the other heavenly powers was instituted, to be celebrated in November. Why in November Because November is the ninth month after March, and it is thought that the world was created in the month of March. The ninth month after March was chosen because of the nine orders of angels that were the first created beings. St Dionysius the Areopagite, writes of these nine orders in his book, "Celestial Hierarchies." These orders are as follows: six‑winged Seraphim, many‑eyed Cherubim, godly Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
In Mother Alexandra's book, "The Holy Angels," these nine orders are further divided into three hierarchies. The third level includes Michael with the Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. Their special domain is the earth. they execute God's will, are continuous guardians of the children of men, and messengers of God. The holy angels are "more than the bearers of divine messages and the guides of men: they are bearers of the very Name and Power of God . they are flashes of the light and strength of the Almighty Lord."
The leader of the whole angelic army is the Archangel Michael. He is mentioned by name four times in Scripture: twice in Dan (10:13 ff. and 12:1), where he is represented a the helper of the Chosen People, once in Jude (v.9), disputing with the devil over the body of Moses, and once in Rev. (12:7-9), fighting the dragon. In Joshua 5:13-15, a "man" with a drawn sword in his hand appeared before Joshua, identifying himself as the "commander of the army of the Lord."
By tradition, the Archangel Michael also represents the "cherubs and the fiery sword that turns about to keep the way of the tree of life" from Adam and Eve after God had expelled them from the "Garden of Delight" (Gen. 3:25. Since the sanctuary represents the Kingdom of Life, the movement from the sanctuary is always out through this door, while the door with the Archangel Gabriel represents our return to Paradise, because he announced to the Virgin the Good News that Immanuel was to come: God with us.
Archangel Michael also plays an important part in the apocryphal literature, e.g. in the "Assumption of Moses," in "Enoch," and in the "Ascension of Isaiah," where he appears as "the great captain" "who is set over the best part of mankind." In connection with the scriptural and apocryphal passages he was early regarded in the Church as the helper of Christian armies against the heathen, and as a protector of individual Christians against the devil, especially at the hour of death, when he conducts the souls to God. His cult originated in Phrygia, where he was chiefly venerated as a healer, and many hot springs were dedicated to him both in Greece and Asia.
When Satan, Lucifer, fell away from God, and carried half the angels with him to destruction, then Michael arose and cried to the un-fallen angels: "Let us give heed! Let us stand aright; let us stand with fear!" and the whole angelic army sang aloud: "Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth; heaven and earth are full of Thy glory!" Among the angels there rules a perfect unity of mind, of soul and of love; of total obedience of the lesser powers to the greater and of all to the holy will of God. Each nation has its guardian angel, as does each individual Christian. We must keep in mind that, whatever we do, openly or in secret, we do in the presence of our guardian angel and that, on the Day of Judgment, a great multitude of the holy angels of heaven will be gathered around the throne of Christ, and the thoughts, words and deeds of every man will be laid bare before them. May God have mercy on us and save us at the prayers of the holy Archangel Michael and all the bodiless powers of heaven. Amen. 
The Archangel Gabriel
The Other Bodiless Powers Commemorated
That the angels are constantly involved in this world is testified to, clearly and unmistakably, in Holy Scripture. Both from the Scriptures and from Holy Tradition, the Orthodox Church has learned the names of the seven leaders of the heavenly powers: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel (and to these is sometimes added an eighth, Jeremiel).
- "Michael" in Hebrew means "Who is like God " or "Who is equal to God " St Michael was depicted in the earliest Christian times as a leader, bearing a spear in his right hand with which he attacks Lucifer, Satan, and holding in his left hand a branch of green palm. At the top of the spear is a plaited braid with a red Cross. On our icons, Michael and Gabriel have lightening bolts streaming from their heads, signifying the speed with which they move from one place to another. The Archangel Michael is considered especially to be the guardian of the Orthodox faith and a fighter against heresy.
- "Gabriel" means "man of God" or "power of God." He is the herald of the mysteries of God, especially the mystery of the Incarnation and all those that are linked with it.
- Raphael" means "God's healing," or "God the Healer" (Tobias 3:17; 12:15).
- "Uriel" means "fire" or "light of God" (II Esdras 4:1; 5:20)
- "Salathiel" means "one who prays to God" (I1 Esdras 5:16).
- "Jegudiel" means "one who glorifies God."
- "Barachiel" means "the blessing of God."
- "Jeremiel" means "God's exaltation." He is venerated as an inspirer and awakener of those higher thoughts that raise a man God‑ward.
- Composite of the Prologue, ODCC, and Mother Alexandra, The Holy Angels.
Troparion Tone IV
Supreme commanders of the heavenly armies, we, the unworthy, do ever entreat you, that by your prayers ye surround us with the protection of the wings of your immaterial glory, preserving us that earnestly fall down before you and cry aloud: Deliver us from misfortunes, in that ye are the leaders of the hosts on high.
Kontakion Tone II
O ye chief commanders of God, ministers of glory divine, captains of the angels and instructors of men: beg ye great mercy and that which is profitable for us, for ye are the supreme commanders of the bodiless hosts. |
Link: http://www.christ thesaviour.org/St-Michael-etal.htm Link: http://www.christthesaviour.org/St-Michael-etal.htmLink: http://www.christthesaviour.org/St-Michael-etal.htm
found at: sufistic.blogspot.comfound at: sufistic.blogspot.com
The Intercession of the Blessed Messenger
When the sinful believers have suffered their punishment in the Fire of Hell, the Almighty Lord will say to Gabriel: “O Gabriel, what are the disobedient members of the Community of Muhammad doing in Hell To this, Gabriel will reply: “O Lord, You are All-Knowing. You know better than I the condition they are in. The All-Glorious One will say: “O Gabriel, go and inspect their condition. The venerable Gabriel will go and find Malik, the governor of Hell, sitting on a cushion in the middle of the Fire. Malik will stand up out of respect for the blessed Gabriel, to whom he will say: “O Gabriel, why have you come here To this question, Gabriel will reply: “O Malik, I have been sent here to see what the rebellious members of the Community of Muhammad are doing. Then Malik will say: “Do not ask about the condition of these people. They are in a very bad state, their places are very narrow. The fire has burned and obliterated their bodies. Only their faces and their hearts can be saved because of their faith. Gabriel will say: “O Malik, raise the curtain that covers them and let me look at them myself. I have been instructed to do so.
Allah, save us from the Fire, and admit us to Paradise with the righteous…
-Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi, Irshad (Wisdom of a Sufi Master)
Link: http://sufistic.blogspot.com
found at: www.batcave.co.uk
Gabriel, Archangel Of Annunciation
"When I looked up from my drink of sorrow the Archangel Gabriel, gentle Gabriel, Gabriel, Lord of Mercy appeared to me." 
Link: www.batcave.co.uk/cathedral/gabriel.htm
found at: http://www.saintgabriels.org/
The Angel Gabriel
According to the Bible, there are seven archangels who "stand in the presence of God". (Tobit 12:15). Four of these are named at various places in the Bible or Apocrypha- Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel. Gabriel first appears in the book of Daniel when he explains to Daniel the vision of the ram and the he-goat and the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks.
In the book of Revelation, the seven angels in turn blow their trumpets. When the last trumpet sounds, Voices from heaven proclaim;" The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ- And he shall reign for ever and ever." Although not directly stated in the Bible, according to legend it is Gabriel's trumpet that will announce the end of time.
Gabriel is best known as the angel of the ANNUNCIATION. It was Gabriel who announced to Elizabeth that she is to give birth to John the Baptist (Luke 1:19), and who tells the Virgin Mary that she is to be the mother of the Messiah (Luke 1:26).
The Annunciation is one of the most commonly depicted scenes in Western Christian Art. Gabriel is usually shown kneeling before the Virgin, holding a lily (signifying purity) in his hand. Often there is in the background a walled garden or other enclosure signifying virginity. The Holy Spirit may be seen in the form of a dove.
Link: http://www.saintgabriels.org/angel.html
Gabriel; name
means "God Conquers/ the might of God" Patron of the sacrament of
Archangel of the Annunciation and the Incarnation's triumph over sin
death, his lilies represent the new purity of the soul through
his banner, Our Lady's universal motherhood.
Heavenly Father, through
salutation of the Archangel Gabriel, may we honor the Incarnation of
Divine Son. Through his faithful intercessions may we strive always to
imitate the holy virtues of the Mother of our Savior and respond to
Father, "Be it done unto me according to Thy Word". Archangel Gabriel,
please praise our Father for the gift of His Son, praying, one day by
grace, through His Mother, we may all be one fold, one Church, one
Shepherd. Amen - adapted from
chaplet of St. Gabriel

Oh holy St. Gabriel come to our aid
your legion of angels! Help us to become good servants of Our Lord!
us to regain and preserve our Baptismal purity that we may become His
worthy servants. Through your intercessions help our souls become
of peace where Our Lord and Our Lady love to come and rest. Amen.

found at: www.abcgallery.comOlga's Gallery Russian Icon. The Archamgel Gabriel. From Deesis Range. 14th century. Pskov school. 104 x 63 cm. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Link: http://www.abcgallery.com/I/icons/icons32.html
found at: www.orderofthewhitelion.com
Found at: http://www.orderofthewhitelion.com
The Archangel Gabriel
To visualise Him, you need to turn your minds' eye to the West, and imagine you are facing the shimmering image of this gentle Archangel of Water.
His image before you is one of magnetic intensity; passive yet undeniably compelling.
The rich copper tones of sunset reflect in the sheen of his hair, as he stands in a muslin robe of gossamer blue, bedecked by a mist of sequined stars, as fragile and tenuous as an evening sky.
He holds a brilliant chalice, encrusted in precious jewels, and filled to overflowing with the waters of life.
Gabriel touches the heart and emotions, for he is the bringer of Love, and his chalice represents the notion of compassion amidst the sorrows of life. - as in much the same way we can find more time to rest at the end of a challenging day, sharing our feelings with those we care about, and maybe finding some forgiveness for ourselves and the wrong doing of others.
The chalice represents the Holy Grail, the Cup of contentment, tenderness and joy, and reminds us that there is no need to fight for Love, for we can find it within ourselves. Great strength can be found in vulnerability.
Gabriel is sometimes seen with the silhouette of an Eagle, fused in silver across his breast, which shimmers as he moves. This represents the higher side of Scorpio, the invincible bird of prey that transcends the stars, and signals Transformation, Rebirth, and the rising of the Phoenix in a blaze of new life.
If you watch carefully, Gabriel will smile down at you, an all pervading softness emanating from the lunar blue of his eyes, which hold within them the shadowy whisper of a hundred memories, born from yesterday.
He turns and faces outwards across the shaded skies of dusk, raising the crystal flowing nectar high above his head, and remains, with wings outspread, in a stance of unconquerable receptivity.
The cup of Gabriel is the cup of Love, and lies in the depths of our feelings and the ebb and flow of the tides.

Link: http://www.orderofthewhitelion.com/Archangels@/Gabriel.htm
found at: www.shariah-institute.org
"A most intimate association exists between fasting and the Quran. The Holy Prophet (SAW) used to pay the greatest attention to the recitation of the Quran in Ramadhan. It is related by ibn Abbas (RA) that the Holy Prophet (SAW) was the most generous of all men but in the month of Ramadhan, when the Archangel Gabrial (AS) used to come to him, his generosity knew no bounds. In Ramadhan Gabrial (AS) came to him every night and joined in the recitation of the Quran. During those days the Holy Prophet (SAW) appeared to be faster than the wind in acts of charity and benevolence."Link: http://www.shariah-institute.org/fasting.htm
found at: www.metmuseum.org
The Initial Rwith the Annunciationfrom a German Gradualca. 1300 Probably made at the convent of Sankt Katharinenthal, Lake Constance Tempera and gold leaf on parchment; 4 x 3 1/16 in. (10.2 x 7.8 cm)
found at: www.shadesoftime.net
Gabriel means "Man of God" in Hebrew. This holy archangel of God announced the Incarnation of God to the Virgin Mary, and still helps and informs and guides God's people. This contemporary icon is from Greece.. | |
Link: http://www.shadesoftime.net/main/ ob_icons_s13_archangel_gabriel_gifts.php
found at: kypros.org/Occupied_Cyprus
Archangel Gabriel at the Antiphonitis Greek Orthodox Church before the destruction by Turkish antiquities smugglers.
found at: www.soros.org.mk
11th century. Revetment between 1108 - 1120.
Together with the icon " Mother of God", make up the composition "Annunciation"111.5 x 67 cm. Tempera on board. Revetment of gilded silver. From the church of the Mother of God Peribleptos (St. Clement’s) Ohrid. Today - Icon Gallery, Ohrid.
Iconography: The basis of the synopsis has the text of Luke the Evangelist (Luke 1:26-38). The composition "Annunciation" is made of two distinctive panels-icons. On the first is portrayed Archangel Gabriel in full length and in movement, indicated through the slightly lifted right foot and lifted arm, with which the Archangel is blessing.
The Mother of God on the monumental composition is portrayed seated on a low throne without a back. She holds a purple knot in her left hand and a spindle in her right. With her head slightly bowed she reveals the relationship with Archangel Gabriel, who tells her the good news.
Origin: It is not known to which church or religious institution these icons belonged. Their dimensions indicate a large building where they may have been placed on the iconostasis. In the 11th century in Ohrid such buildings were the church St. Sophia or the archiepiscopal residence.
Link: http://www.soros.org.mk/konkurs/019/eng/i02.htm
found at: www.soros.org.mk
found at: www.soros.org.mk
Holiday lovers, the holy flash of incorporeal forces surpass reason and mind and warm the World with rays ever so bright. That is not corporeal nature, but unsensitive nature that shines with the rays of reason from the divinity itself. Around the throne of God they gather flickering their wings and hiding their faces singing holy songs to God: "The world, world, world, God Allmighty, is full with your glory!"
Happily deceased with divine light, ones are called to the thrones where the strength and power of the holy trinity lies, while others become cherubs and seraphs, six-winged and four-rayed, with many eyes, friends of strength and power, and friends of the lordship. Others are angels and archangels, numerous army, each in its row leading forward in their order. They always represent the glory of God, while others are sent to secular posts; some for punishment and revenge, others to trace the path of believers to salvation and joy, as He did long ago when He showed Moses in Mount Sinai the divine blackberry that flickered in flames but never burnt out. That same Moses saw a shadow in the Mount made by an angel cherub by throwing shodow on both sides of the altar and appeared before him while he was praying to God and uttering: "Lord, if I am in grace then show yourself to me clearly so that I can see you and know that I am in grace". God answered: "All right, I will fulfill your wish. You have found grace in me". And Moses said: "Show me, my Lord, your glory so that I can see that I have found grace in you". God answered: "You cannot see my image because humans cannot see my image and remain alive. But, stand next to this stone and I will cover it with my hand when passing by so that you can see my back, but you will not be able to see my face". And them when Moses saw the back of God's glory, his face became bright from the sunlight. He covered his face with a rag and that was how he talked to the people because they could not look at his face because of the light. Thus, prophet Isaiah, whose word was heard all over said: "I saw God on a throne high, and seraphs stood around Him, each with six wings, and they all sang holy songs saying: "World, world, world, God Allmighty, let all the Earth feel His glory". Then, the same Isaiah said: "When Ezekiel was sick, the Jewish czar, the Assyrian czar went against him. He wanted to takeover the city. The czar was sad because of the war that was threatening and he prayed to God saying: "Remember, Lord, I went in front of You with the truth and with a calm heart and I committed good deeds in Your name". God answered him: "Do not fear, he will not enter your city, neither will he throw one arrow or spear because I will protect and save the city for myself, for David, my servant". And so the angel of God came down and killed 185 000 men from the Assyrian army and in the morning when they woke up they found them dead.
Such is the power of those incorporeal divine servants. They have the great archstratig Mihail for their commander who is in charge of the incorporeal forces. One angel was in charge of creation and supervisor of order and he was neither cunning nor evil, but gentle when created by God. And thus full with gentleness, he changed from gentle into evil and thought that he could confront his Creator and God. But, archstratig Mihail could not stand his violence and severeness and threw him on Earth together with his incorporeal titles and the leftsovers that he called angels. He became their commander and because he was evil he was deprived from God's light. They became suseptible to curses and were transformed into rageful angels of beauty tormented for times to come. Evil cannot mix with divine gentleness, as evangelist John said in his prophecy: "War began in heavan and archangel Mihail and all his troops fought the dragon and stripped off his title". So said Judas, the holy apostle, Jacob's brother. He said that the great archangel Mihail, when he was fighting the evil, was forbidden to utter blasphemy judgement against him, but he said: "Let God forbid that, you trash!"
All with a title belonging to a legion feasting with holiness and divine beauty and with desire and willingness to keep their legion with gentleness where each of them have been given a different gift should have such a zeal towards God and their Maker. God gave all wonders and welfare to human beings with the great archstratigs. For ones it means victory over the competitiors, for others gentle news about the joys of the Earth.
Appraisals cannot be uttered by words, neither can reason express them with dignity. But, inspite of all limitations, as much as we can achieve, sending them our hopes, let us all reflect their unexpressed grace and their struggle against all harms. With these archstratigs God filled the heavans with miracles and decorated the Earth with wanders. They take care of the heavanly army, each in its order, preserving the four ends of the Earth, the horisons of the seas, on God's command, without spilling over the edges, human's nature remains untouched by all the passions, the rage disappears from the banished destroying the illusion of the idols from the roots and decorating the church splendidly when sending holy harmoniuos songs to God. They got rid of all heretics and true faith started to flourish by wedding true confessioners. They can get rid of all harms and cure all sicknesses.
We bow to them unanimously and joyfully and appraise them in our songs singing: "Rejoice, archstratig Mihail, you are the first commander by order of the incorporeal forces, rejoice, archstratig Gabriel, the first informer of joyful news, rejoice, archstratig Mihail, the first scipterbearer of the indivisible Trinity, rejoice, archstratig Gabriel, the true servant of eternal trinity light, rejoice, archstratig Mihail, illuminated with the rays of eternal brightness that throws light over the whole world, rejoice, oh, Gabriel, for making the universe joyful and for wedding Zaharie's old age with the gentle news of John the Baptist and for making sterile nature fertile, rejoice, archstratig Mihail, for winning the master of darkness for which you stand with dignity next to the throne of God, rejoice, archstratig Gabriel, the bringer of news about God's corpeal being, rejoice, arhstratig Mihail, for being under the eternal light of the divinity of the sun, rejoice, archstratig Gabriel, for the eternal word of the light of the Father, holy news-bringer, your voice was heard all over the Earth, and your news brought joy to the pure and innocent Mother of God who concieved without semen but just with God's ray.
Rejoice, all you passionate fighters of all who found refuge under your roof because by guiding the mortals with your faith you took them through hell and demolished the tombstones informing the bringers of peace about the joy of resurection. When you won the forces of hell in the graves you called out: "Open the door, dukes, to let the Emperor of Glory in!", and they were frozen with fear and falling down as dead they said: "Who is that Emperor of Glory?" Again the incorporeal archtratigs with incorporeal forces answered: "God virtuous and strong, God strong in combat - he is the Emperor of glory".
Everywhere in the commission of God, enemies emerged with the speed of lightning. Those were defeated, and the loyal were rejoicing. When you appeared on the grave, you honoured the disciples of your God. One sat next to the heard, the other next to the feet where the body of Jesus Christ laid and you said: "Why are looking for the living among the dead, he's not here, he got up as it was written". And when God ascended the sky, standing in front of the apostles you said: "Why are you standing and staring in the sky? Jesus who ascended the sky will be back again the way you saw him going in the sky!" That is how one should honour God, our Maker.
The whole universe is lit by them, the image of a prophet is filled with spiritual grace and fulfills the prophecy. The patriarchs and all just people are wedded with them, they enable the apostle images to send holy songs to God, with them the many martyrs with beautiful wreaths are immensely happy.
With them the inhabitants of the deserts, with nearly dead passion for life, ended their lives, with them the graves will open at the last day and the dead bodies will raise alive from the holy voice. The devil himself with all his rages will be tied and thrown into eternal pain by them and the compassionate God will save us. So, glory be to Him, to his eternal Father and to his Gentle Ghost, now and forever more, amen.
link: http://www.soros.org.mk/konkurs/038/drevni/pohvalno_slovo.htm Link: http://www.soros.org.mk/konkurs/019/eng/i02d1.htm
found at: www.scancoo.com/sqs_Angels2
 text found at: www.wordiq.comThe Purpose of Angels In the Bible, angels are the medium of God's power; they exist to execute God's will. Angels reveal themselves to individuals as well as to the whole nation, in order to announce events, either good or bad, affecting them. Angels foretold to Abraham the birth of Isaac, to Manoah the birth of Samson, and to Abraham the destruction of Sodom. Guardian angels were mentioned, but not, as was later the case, as guardian spirits of individuals and nations. God sent an angel to protect the Hebrew people after their exodus from Egypt, to lead them to the promised land, and to destroy the hostile tribes in their way (Ex. xxiii. 20, Num. xx. 16). In Judges (ii. 1) an angel of the Lord "unless here and in the preceding instances (compare Isa. xlii. 19, Ḥag. i. 13, Mal. iii. 1) a human messenger of God is meant�"addressed the whole people, swearing to bring them to the promised land. An angel brought Elijah meat and drink (I Kings, xix. 5); and as God watched over Jacob, so is every pious person protected by an angel who cares for him in all his ways (Ps. xxxiv. 7, xci. 11). There are angels militant, one of whom smites in one night the whole Assyrian army of 185,000 men (II Kings, xix. 35); messengers go forth from God "in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid" (Ezek. xxx. 9); the enemy is scattered before the angel like chaff (Ps. xxxv. 5, 6). Avenging angels are mentioned, such as the one in II Sam. xxiv. 15, who annihilates thousands. It would seem that the pestilence was personified, and that the "evil angels" mentioned in Ps. lxxviii. 49 are to be regarded as personifications of this kind. "Evil" is here to be taken in the causative sense, as "producing evil"; for, as stated above, angels are generally considered to be by nature beneficent to man. They glorify God, whence the term "glorifying angels" (Ps. xxix. 1, ciii. 20, cxlviii. 2; compare Isa. vi. 2 et seq.). They constitute God's court, sitting in council with him (I Kings, xxii. 19; Job, i. 6, ii. 1); hence they are called His "council of the holy ones" (Ps. lxxxix. 7, R. V.; A. V. "assembly of the saints"). They accompany God as His attendants when He appears to man (Deut. xxxiii. 2; Job, xxxviii. 7). This conception was developed after the Exile; and in Zechariah angels of various shapes are delegated "to walk to and fro through the earth" in order to find out and report what happens (Zech. vi. 7). In the prophetic books angels appear as representatives of the prophetic spirit, and bring to the prophets God's word. Thus the prophet Haggai was called God's messenger (angel); and it is known that "Malachi" is not a real name, but means "messenger" or "angel." It is noteworthy that in I Kings, xiii. 18, an angel brought the divine word to the prophet. In some places it is inferred that angels existed before the Creation (Gen. i. 26; Job, xxxviii. 7). The earlier Biblical writings did not speculate about them; simply regarding them, in their relations to man, as God's agents. Consequently, they did not individualize or denominate them; and in Judges, xiii. 18, and Gen. xxxii. 30, the angels, when questioned, refuse to give their names. In Daniel, however, there occur the names Michael and Gabriel. Michael is Israel's representative in heaven, where other nations�"the Persians, for instance�"were also represented by angelic princes. More than three hundred years before the Book of Daniel was written, Zechariah graded the angels according to their rank, but did not name them. The notion of the seven eyes (Zech. iii. 9, iv. 10) may have been affected by the representation of the seven archangels and also possibly by the seven amshaspands of Zoroastrianism (compare Ezek. ix. 2). Link: www.wordiq.com/definition/Angel#Appearance_of_Angels
found at: daskalos.org
The Archangelic Orders
"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed. In fact angels have no religion as we know it... their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth." St. Thomas Aquinas
GABRIEL, or in the ancient Egyptian language pronunciation, Kha-Vir-El, Ga or Ka denotes desire, sentiment, and expressed love. Bir or Vir indicates element. Gabriel's �light is sky-blue in many different shades, and he is the ruler of water and the liquids. Gabriel is the steward of the entire physical kingdom and gives us the body's various fluids.� Color - shades of brilliantly azureOur Archangels are logoic and Holy Spiritual Beings, who build, govern over and project themselves into the universes. Within Absolute Beingness are Orders of Archangels, Holy Monadic Beings, each Order containing myriad upon myriad of Beings of the same kind. We know of the existence of twelve Archangelic Orders: Thrones, Authorities, Dominions Principalities, Overlords, Seraphims and Cherabims together with other named and unnamed. They possess Total Wisdom, Love, Power and Absolute Self-awareness. Angels are elementals of Archangels.
No one has ever spoken in detail of the kind of vibrations of the Archangels who belong to the higher echelons of the Orders. Few have come close enough to these Orders to attune to them. Human language, in any case, proves inadequate to describe their splendor.
When a human being descends into the worlds of separation, an Archangel of the Thrones accompanies him as his Guardian Archangel. Even if we are unaware of his presence, our Guardian Archangel, with whom we are egofied, is always caring for us.
Link: http://daskalos.org/Archangels_Angels.htm#GABRIEL
found at: http://www.thelairofdarkness.com
extract from
The Temptation Of Caine
I wept blood. I caught the tears in a cup and drank them.
When I looked up from my drink of sorrow, the archangel Gabriel gentle Gabriel Gabriel, Lord of Mercy appeared to me.
The archangel Gabriel said unto me, "Son of Adam, Son of Eve. Behold the mercy of the Father is greater than you can ever know for even now there is a path opened a road of Mercy and you shall call this road [Golconda]. And tell your children of it, for by that road may they come once again to dwell in the Light."
And with that, the darkness was lifted like a veil and the only light was Lilith's bright eyes.
Looking around me, I knew that I had Awakened.
Link: http://www.thelairofdarkness.com/level.itml/icOid/6431
found at: www.geocities.com
Jibril Jibrail or Jibril descending from heaven to meet MuhammadAlso spelled Jabra'il in Islam, the archangel who acts as intermediary between God and man and as bearer of revelation to the prophets, most notably, to Muhammad. In biblical literature Gabriel is the counterpart to Jibril.Muhammad himself could not at first identify the spirit that possessed him, and the Qur'an mentions him by name only three times. Jibril, however, became Muhammad's constant helper. He and the archangel Mikal purified Muhammad's heart in preparation for the Prophet's ascension to heaven (mi'raj), and then Jibril guided him through the various levels until they reached the throne of God. When Muhammad recited a supposed revelation acknowledging the pagan goddesses al-Lat, al-'Uzza, and Manat, Jibril chastised him (Muhammad) for presenting as divine a message inspired by the devil. Jibril also helped Muhammad in times of political crises, coming to his aid at the Battle of Badr (624) with thousands of angels, then telling him to attack the Jewish tribes of Banu Qaynuqa' and Banu Qurayzah. On the night of Ishra Jibril and Mikhail cleansed Muhammad before the night trip to heaven. As angels watch, Jibril is cleansing the Prophet (on the right)
Muhammad generally only heard the voice of his inspiration, but, according to 'A'ishah, his wife, he saw Jibriltwice “in the shape that he was created� and on other occasions as a man resembling Dihyah ibn Khalifah al-Kalbi, an extraordinarily handsome disciple of Muhammad. Others have described the archangel as having 600 wings, each pair so enormous that they crowd the space between East and West. Jibril has also been depicted as sitting on a chair suspended between heaven and earth. The popular image of Jibril is of an ordinary, turbaned man, dressed in two green garments, astride a horse or a mule.
Muslim traditions concerning Jibril largely concur with biblical accounts of Gabriel, but his special relationship with Muhammad has inspired a mass of mythical detail. Jibril is said to have appeared at Adam's side after his expulsion from paradise and shown him how to write and work iron and raise wheat. Jibril later appeared in Egypt to help Moses and to deceive the Egyptians into entering the Red Sea in pursuit of the Jews. The name of Jibril figures in the preparations of charms and appears with the names of the other archangels on the sides of magic squares.
(Ref: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. On-line 2002) Link: http://www.geocities.com/khola_mon/myth/Angels.html
found at: www.christthesaviour.orgfound at: www.christthesaviour.org
found at: http://www.christthesaviour.org
Orthodox Christian Church Of Christ The Saviour

The Archangel Michael
The Holy Archangel Michael and all the Bodiless Powers of Heaven (November 8)
The angels of God have been commemorated by men from the earliest times, but this commemoration often degenerates into the divinization of angels (IV Kings 23:5; A.V. II Kings). Heretics always wove fantasies round the angels. Some of them saw the angels as gods and others, if they did not so regard them, took them to be the creators of the whole visible world. The local Council in Laodicea, that was held in the fourth century, rejected in its 35th Canon the worship of angels as gods, and established the proper veneration of them. In the time of Pope Sylvester of Rome and the Alexandrian Patriarch Alexander, in the fourth century, this Feast of the Archangel Michael and the other heavenly powers was instituted, to be celebrated in November. Why in November Because November is the ninth month after March, and it is thought that the world was created in the month of March. The ninth month after March was chosen because of the nine orders of angels that were the first created beings. St Dionysius the Areopagite, writes of these nine orders in his book, "Celestial Hierarchies." These orders are as follows: six‑winged Seraphim, many‑eyed Cherubim, godly Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
In Mother Alexandra's book, "The Holy Angels," these nine orders are further divided into three hierarchies. The third level includes Michael with the Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. Their special domain is the earth. they execute God's will, are continuous guardians of the children of men, and messengers of God. The holy angels are "more than the bearers of divine messages and the guides of men: they are bearers of the very Name and Power of God . they are flashes of the light and strength of the Almighty Lord."
The leader of the whole angelic army is the Archangel Michael. He is mentioned by name four times in Scripture: twice in Dan (10:13 ff. and 12:1), where he is represented a the helper of the Chosen People, once in Jude (v.9), disputing with the devil over the body of Moses, and once in Rev. (12:7-9), fighting the dragon. In Joshua 5:13-15, a "man" with a drawn sword in his hand appeared before Joshua, identifying himself as the "commander of the army of the Lord."
By tradition, the Archangel Michael also represents the "cherubs and the fiery sword that turns about to keep the way of the tree of life" from Adam and Eve after God had expelled them from the "Garden of Delight" (Gen. 3:25. Since the sanctuary represents the Kingdom of Life, the movement from the sanctuary is always out through this door, while the door with the Archangel Gabriel represents our return to Paradise, because he announced to the Virgin the Good News that Immanuel was to come: God with us.
Archangel Michael also plays an important part in the apocryphal literature, e.g. in the "Assumption of Moses," in "Enoch," and in the "Ascension of Isaiah," where he appears as "the great captain" "who is set over the best part of mankind." In connection with the scriptural and apocryphal passages he was early regarded in the Church as the helper of Christian armies against the heathen, and as a protector of individual Christians against the devil, especially at the hour of death, when he conducts the souls to God. His cult originated in Phrygia, where he was chiefly venerated as a healer, and many hot springs were dedicated to him both in Greece and Asia.
When Satan, Lucifer, fell away from God, and carried half the angels with him to destruction, then Michael arose and cried to the un-fallen angels: "Let us give heed! Let us stand aright; let us stand with fear!" and the whole angelic army sang aloud: "Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth; heaven and earth are full of Thy glory!" Among the angels there rules a perfect unity of mind, of soul and of love; of total obedience of the lesser powers to the greater and of all to the holy will of God. Each nation has its guardian angel, as does each individual Christian. We must keep in mind that, whatever we do, openly or in secret, we do in the presence of our guardian angel and that, on the Day of Judgment, a great multitude of the holy angels of heaven will be gathered around the throne of Christ, and the thoughts, words and deeds of every man will be laid bare before them. May God have mercy on us and save us at the prayers of the holy Archangel Michael and all the bodiless powers of heaven. Amen. 
The Archangel Gabriel
The Other Bodiless Powers Commemorated
That the angels are constantly involved in this world is testified to, clearly and unmistakably, in Holy Scripture. Both from the Scriptures and from Holy Tradition, the Orthodox Church has learned the names of the seven leaders of the heavenly powers: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salathiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel (and to these is sometimes added an eighth, Jeremiel).
- "Michael" in Hebrew means "Who is like God " or "Who is equal to God " St Michael was depicted in the earliest Christian times as a leader, bearing a spear in his right hand with which he attacks Lucifer, Satan, and holding in his left hand a branch of green palm. At the top of the spear is a plaited braid with a red Cross. On our icons, Michael and Gabriel have lightening bolts streaming from their heads, signifying the speed with which they move from one place to another. The Archangel Michael is considered especially to be the guardian of the Orthodox faith and a fighter against heresy.
- "Gabriel" means "man of God" or "power of God." He is the herald of the mysteries of God, especially the mystery of the Incarnation and all those that are linked with it.
- Raphael" means "God's healing," or "God the Healer" (Tobias 3:17; 12:15).
- "Uriel" means "fire" or "light of God" (II Esdras 4:1; 5:20)
- "Salathiel" means "one who prays to God" (I1 Esdras 5:16).
- "Jegudiel" means "one who glorifies God."
- "Barachiel" means "the blessing of God."
- "Jeremiel" means "God's exaltation." He is venerated as an inspirer and awakener of those higher thoughts that raise a man God‑ward.
- Composite of the Prologue, ODCC, and Mother Alexandra, The Holy Angels.
Troparion Tone IV
Supreme commanders of the heavenly armies, we, the unworthy, do ever entreat you, that by your prayers ye surround us with the protection of the wings of your immaterial glory, preserving us that earnestly fall down before you and cry aloud: Deliver us from misfortunes, in that ye are the leaders of the hosts on high.
Kontakion Tone II
O ye chief commanders of God, ministers of glory divine, captains of the angels and instructors of men: beg ye great mercy and that which is profitable for us, for ye are the supreme commanders of the bodiless hosts. |
Link: http://www.christ thesaviour.org/St-Michael-etal.htm Link: http://www.christthesaviour.org/St-Michael-etal.htmLink: http://www.christthesaviour.org/St-Michael-etal.htm
found at: www.godsnewreligion.com
The Guide informed Mustapha about the existence of higher beings
"There are a number of orders of Angels.
1. There are many good spirits & souls of good intent who are associated with individual human beings. By acting as guardian spirits they grow and evolve whilst in spirit form and contribute to the Good.
2. There are of course many negative and demonic spirits who also attach themselves to people and places.
3. The higher orders of Angels work on a broader plane, influencing the direction of human and ecological development on the earth and on other planets and spheres.
Therefore 'Guardian Angel', spirits and Angels should not be confused. The higher beings have much greater powers of cognition, omniscience and ability to influence events on earth, but also greater responsibilities.
They must maintain equilibrium in their own consciousness and their closeness to The Father. Glory to The Father. This is secret and profound knowledge.
The higher beings have the capability to maintain many hundreds of relationships simultaneously and to communicate simultaneously to many individuals at the same time and in different guises which allow best communication with that person.
It was this energy vibration which spoke to those teachers and prophets of ancient times as directed by The Father.
In modern times electronics and stock markets are the medium of prophecy and there will be new prophets of the internet age." |
Link: http://www.godsnewreligion.com/THE GUIDE/GUARDIAN ANGELS.php
found at: dhushara.freehosting.netThese are some more Islamic (Turkish) images of Angel Gibril. Many consider images of Mohammed, may peace be upon him, as blasphemous to Islam, so links only are provided. Anyone who do not wish to view them may refrain. Mustapha found this material at dhushara.freehosting.net- Summary - Click to view'The Time Image from Jerusalem - Muhammad before the ascent from Jerusalem with Gabriel' Time sorry for Mohammed image BBC Sunday, 22 April, 2001, 10:12 GMT 11:12 UK Kashmir is India's only Muslim-majority state The international news magazine Time has apologised to Muslims after an image of the Prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him, in its 16 April issue sparked riots in Kashmir. Students offended by the image threw stones at police and burned several cars in Indian-administered Kashmir, while security forces responded with tear gas and bamboo canes. The magazine was removed from news-stands by government order in Malaysia, where Islam is the official religion. The picture - part of a special report on "Jerusalem at the time of Jesus" - showed Mohammed, may peace be upon him, meeting the Archangel Gabriel to receive a revelation from God. Click to view'Muhammad in the heavens above Mecca' Images of Mohammed are considered blasphemy in Islam. 'Unintentional affront'
The editor of Time's Asian edition apologised for what he called "an unintentional affront to the Islamic faith. "Time regrets the publication of this image," said editor Adi Ignatius. Police in Kashmir said as many as 5,000 people, mostly students, demonstrated in the summer capital Srinagar and in nearby Anantnag on Saturday in protest at the image. Click to view - 'Muhammad with Gabriel before the jewelled tree of paradise' Kashmir is India's only Muslim-majority state. Sale banned
Authorities there banned the sale of the magazine following the demonstrations. It was also banned in Malaysia, although it is not clear how much affect the prohibition will have, since news-stands had already begun selling the next issue of Time. Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was unable to explain how the 16 April issue got through the country's censors. "I don't know how but it seems that they missed it", he said.
 Gabriel before the flames of hell (Gabriel in top right of picture)
detail of the above
 Link: time.htm also: Time sorry for Mohammed image Caution: Takes a long time to load and has pop up ads etc.
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