Annunciation on Royal Doors (one panel)
Icon Gallery, Ohrid
From the church of St. Nicholas Hospitaller, Ohrid.
14th-15th century
111 x 36 cm.
Found at:
Tempera. Plaster ground on board
Today - Icon Gallery, Ohrid.
Condition: Relatively well preserved. Damage due to flaking of plaster ground in the lower part.
Iconography: Archangel Gabriel is shown in full length, facing half left. He gives a blessing with his right hand and in his left holds a rod. He is dressed in red hiton and purple himation.
The upper part of the doors – King Solomon shown in half-length, dressed in green divineation and purple mantle. In his right hand he holds an unfurled scroll inscribed with text of a prophecy. The background, gold.